Logistic by – GO! (General Overnight)

Theimer and Mager Event Technology: Rent easily and flexibly now!

With Theimer and Mager event technology, you can now easily and flexibly rent rental equipment for your next event.

How it works:

  1. Choose the right equipment for your event from our extensive range of event technology.
  2. Book the shipment of the rental material with General Overnight.
  3. The material will be delivered to your event location on time and reliably.
  4. After your event, simply have the material picked up again by General Overnight.


  • Flexible: You can rent the material exactly when you need it.
  • Convenient: You don’t have to worry about transport.
  • Reliable: General Overnight is an experienced partner for the shipping of event technology.
  • Affordable: We offer you attractive rental prices.

Book your rental equipment now at Theimer and Mager Event Technology!


GO! – General Overnight

With Theimer and Mager event technology and General Overnight, your next event will be a complete success!